
ttb touch


A complete new design for ttb's mobile app.

We used ING's design thinking methodology to run a full design project to come up with a completely new concept.

I was Team Head of UX, managing 16 designers and worked with the various product teams involved to successfully launch the app in 2022.

ttb touch on the App Store

  • Head of UX Design and lead design for the project
  • User research
  • Prototyping
  • Interaction design
  • Visual design

Design System

ttb design system

Detail of inputs

ttb design system

Zoomed out view of the Design System in Sketch.

To build our new mobile app, we needed a new design system. I set up, implemented and owned this new design system.

The Design System lived both in Sketch and in code (exposed in Storybook).

  • Lead design
  • Interaction design
  • Code advice



Following the merger of TMB Bank with Thanachart, I redesigned our retail app TMB TOUCH to meet the new branding guidelines.

tmb redesign

We also introduced new features like Fast Lane, which is a new start page where the user can directly see their balance without having to login or navigate to most used features.

  • Visual design


atm redesign

Similar to the TMB TOUCH project, I also redesigned the ATM screens to match the new branding guidelines.

All ttb ATM's in Thailand are now using this new design.

  • Visual design


tmb biz touch payroll
tmb biz touch ekyc

First image: Payroll. Second image: eKYC

TMB BIZ TOUCH is TMB's app for the SME segment. I have done multiple projects for this app. Most notable are the Payroll and eKYC functionality.

The Payroll feature is a very convenient feature for small business owners with personnel, which enables them to transfer their salaries.

The eKYC feature allows new users to open a new account with the app. Users can simply download the app and start banking!